Junior Cash Collector with German
Filed under: Warszawa | Infolinia-Call Center-Obsługa Klienta
Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functionsunderpinned by the worlds largest delivery networkAccenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With approximately 373,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Visit us atAccenture Operations is one of Accenture key capabilities dedicated to work on outsourcing engagements. These are long-term partnerships with clients for whom we manage and provide increasingly specialized business operations, such as finance and accounting, IT, applications development and maintenance, helpdesk services, and HR. We not only maintain key business functions for clients, we constantly seek to improve them to help our clients move ahead of the competition.
Junior Cash Collector with German
Key responsibilities:
Contacting customers regarding overdue accounts and determine reasons for non-payment
Identifying the cause and analyzing of overdue receivables
Advising and influencing customers on the payment options for debt recovery
Communicating internally between departments
Delivering a consistent and professional level of service and maintaining good customer relations
Reporting the results of work in the area of outstanding receivables
Achieving set revenue targets and call quality objectives
At least secondary education
Good English
Very good German
Experience in Customer Service, phone contact with customers, complaints solving and cash collecting will be an asset
SAP knowledge nice to have proficiency in computer skills
Stress resistance, conscientiousness, analytical abilities
We offer:
Location: Warsaw Annopol
The ability to use your knowledge of foreign language on a daily basis at work (we serve our Clients in almost 30 foreign languages)
Experience with a range of Clients and technology solutions which provides professional relevance
Operating according to Lean Six Sigma philosophy
Collaborating and learning from diverse and talented colleagues helps you "raise your game"
Trainings and development tailored to help you achieve your potential
New Joiners Programme including trainings
Opportunity to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives
We also think about your social life, at Accenture you will be able to take part in different initiatives like Book Club, International Cuisine Club, Accenture Runners Club, family events, cultural meetings, photography classes, climbing, soccer, swimming and many others
Social benefit packages including: private medical care, Benefit sport club cards, life insurance
Friendly work atmosphere in multicultural environment
W dokumentach aplikacyjnych prosimy zamieścić oświadczenie o następującej treści:
"Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy przez Accenture Sp. z o.o. lub inny podmiot grupy Accenture w celach rekrutacyjnych oraz na umieszczenie i przetwarzanie przekazanych przeze mnie danych osobowych, również po okresie rekrutacji, w bazie danych firmy Accenture Sp. z o.o., z siedzibą w Warszawie, 00-121, przy ul. Siennej 39, lub innego podmiotu grupy Accenture, a także na ich przekazywanie do państw trzecich w ramach grupy Accenture, zgodnie z Ustawą o Ochronie Danych Osobowych z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. (Dz.U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.). Powyższe dane podaję dobrowolnie. Zostałem (-am) poinformowany (-a) o prawie dostępu do treści danych oraz możliwości ich poprawiania."
Accenture nie dyskryminuje kandydatów ze względu na rasę, religię, kolor skóry, płeć, wiek, niepełnosprawność, narodowość, przekonania polityczne, przynależność związkową, pochodzenie etniczne, wyznanie, orientację seksualną, lub jakiegokolwiek inne kryterium niedopuszczalne na podstawie polskiego prawa.