Contract Execution Manager (food industry)

Contract Execution Manager (food industry)

Filed under: Łódź | IT

Grafton Recruitment, founded in 1982, is a leading provider of recruitment solutions with more than 30 years' experience. Grafton Recruitment is one of Europe's largest independent firms, placing experienced professionals, mid & top management in all industry sectors, functions and public services. With 30 offices in Europe and about 650 employees we cover the following countries: Czech Republic | Hungary | Ireland | Lithuania | Poland | Romania | Slovakia | Turkey. Our high quality of service is proved by ISO certificate.

Contract Execution Manager (food industry)


Our client is international manufacturing company from food industry. They are currently seeking candidates for the position of Contract Execution Manager (back office role) based in SSC in Lodz.

pro-actively follow-up on contract execution in close collaboration with key stakeholders, based on specific tools.
assure that contract execution is in line with contract conditions.
steer the internal stakeholders to ensure respect of the agreements with customers.
interface daily with Sales, Supply Chain and Planning in order to secure optimal active contract management.


4-5 years of experience in the area of Sales or Account Management or Customer Care.
previous experience in active contract management.
Experience in food industry would be an asset.
very good English skills.
SAP and MS Office skills.
customer focused with strong organisational skills.
University degree.


Possibilities of professional development.
Friendly atmosphere at work.
Set of social benefits.
Attractive salary.

Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: "Zgadzam się na wykorzystanie przez firmę Grafton Recruitment Polska Sp. z o.o. danych osobowych w celu pośrednictwa pracy (posiadania i przetwarzania przekazanych danych osobowych oraz ich udostępniania klientom w ramach prowadzonych projektów rekrutacyjnych) zgodnie z obowiązującą Ustawą o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (Dz.U.2002 r. Nr 101 poz. 926) aż do momentu pisemnego wycofania zgody. Potwierdzam, że zostałem poinformowany o prawach do zmiany, dostępu i ochrony tych danych".
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