Java DevOps Engineer
Filed under: Gdańsk | IT
At Spartez and at Atlassian QA stands for Quality Assistance rather than Quality Assurance. We are looking for someone who is more than a great tester, we are looking for someone who can help developers be great testers as well.Java DevOps Engineer
Miasto: Gdańsk
Region: pomorskie
Great exploratory testing skills to can coach others in the team to become good exploratory testers.
Critical thinker and frequently spot risks and problems no one else in the team thought about.
Ability to build working prototypes of tools and frameworks to enhance software development lifecycle.
Knowledge of Java, Scala or JS well enough to conduct code reviews and interpret results of various static analysis tools.
Solid experience in test automation to make good decisions about types of test automation that should be used for various features and be able to improve existing test automation frameworks.
Knowledge what Agile, Lean, DevOps, Continuous Delivery are about
8600 - 12800 PLN gross per month for mid level position
12800 - 16600 PLN gross per month for senior position
Analysing our development and release process to identify what should or could be improved for higher quality and dev speed.
Helping development team brainstorm test ideas, edge cases and produce sound test plans for features they are working on.
Organising and facilitating demo and test sessions to ensure that features were implemented to high quality standard.
Forming and leading SWAT teams to tackle bigger challenges. Youll be empowering every member of the team to do their best work.
Designing and implementing solutions that help the team deliver features faster, safer and to a high level of quality.
If you are not a Software QA Engeneer, but you know someone superb,
let us know and get refferal bonus, if we employ him/her: 1000 PLN per year of
his/her professional experience.
Send your CV (English only) in PDF format with your name in the file name, please, via:
Prosimy o zamieszczenie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2002r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.).
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